Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Well you guys pretty much already know what my new year resolution is lol, lose the remaining 30 - 32 lbs I want to lose (Yes I will still be a healthy weight for my height, I checked and made sure) but not just lose the weight but be fit and toned. I have been over weight for a little while so my skin will take longer to catch up with me so today when we go grocery shopping sometime in there I will be looking for a skin firming lotion I plan to try and remember to put on me twice a day or so.I looked on line and tried to find some of the better rated things for it. Also I just bought myself one of the two pairs of shoes I wanted for walking/running!! I ordered it on Amazon so I have to wait til next week to get them but whatever I can't wait regardless!! Here is what they look like.

I also bought 2 white over the door Shoe organizers but not to store my shoes lol. I got them to hang over the outside shed doors so I can fill them with dirt and plant some herbs for cooking : D  I want to build some planting boxes that are portable so when we move (either this year or next) it will be easier to move with us. I love to garden and cook. Plus my kids can help me with the garden (I want to make them their own little planter boxes just for them) and let them pick a couple of things they would like to try and grow this year. Well that is all for now I need to go get ready for the day!!

Later all,


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