Thursday, January 20, 2011

I have been sewing and planting!!

Well I been super busy between working out every morning, pre-planting some seeds and hand sewing things I have been pretty busy!! I first started the hand sewing thing when I decided to make a top secret project for some of my guildies. So I can't really talk about that or show pics but I made (all by hand sewing) a car cell phone holder. The first one I made is lop-sided as hell and clumsy looking so I put it in my car : D (Hey it matches me what can I say : P) I am now working on two with two different blue patterns car cell phone holders. One for my Mom and another for my best friend Halls. I am doing them both at the same time, well at the moment I am hand sewing all the parts (God i can't wait to get that electric sewing machine from my mom xX) which would be done a whole lot faster with a machine but anyways.... So yeah I posted pics the one that looks pink and brownish with flowers is the first one I made. The blue pattern ones are the pieces I cut out from the patterns (I raced the patterns onto tracing paper and cut that out instead of the actual pattern.) I also am using white felt sheets as the interfacing for them as well. Just so you know. I am using a sewing pattern I bought on Ebay. It's a simplicity pattern # 2553 crafts So yeah let me get back to sewing :D


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