Wednesday, December 14, 2011

weight in time : P

Well  Last week I got sick so i didn't workout or do a weight in but I did start back working out this week and my weight in for today is a lb lost :D I wished it was 2 lbs but hey what can you do. I want to try my goal at losing at least 1 lb a week but trying for 2 lbs a week. I am not going to measure myself today. I think I will do my thing like this. Weight in's every Wednesday and my measurements every other Wednesday. So today is just weight in day next Wednesday is the whole deal. I also decided I am going to do all different types of working out. Not Just Jillian's 30 Day shred but I also made a binder with a bunch of different workouts I know I can do (Some are advanced and require me to have a medicine ball and large workout ball. I think I have the large workout ball but I still need a few medicine balls at different weights. Like a 8/10, 12/14 , and a 15/16 lb medicine balls.) I also plan to add in there a 3 mile walk from time to time and hitting the Base Gym as well. I want to see if they have a rowing machine and I know they have a stair climbing looking machine there but I want the rowing machine the most : ) Anyways so I will be heading over to my BFF place today where we will be doing out first workout together in a long time. We kinda had a : P moment but we are good now and I hope it stays that way a while. We been BFF for over 22 years so I should say she is more like my sister then a best friend. One of those people who no matter what will always be in your life. So yeah Goal is 2 lbs a week but 1 lb at least. I also started a log yesterday of what I did and will do my best to keep it up to date and try to remember to post it on Wednesdays. Also keep in mind since I am re-starting this workout I might gain a few pounds due to gaining muscle but I guess that is where the taking measurements part will come in. Wish me Luck because my big goal is reach 115 - 118 lbs by July 28th. I picked that date because that is when we have our Cub Scout Pack party and I don't want to feel like I look like a whale there and so I wont be so self destructive on myself then. Plus it is only a matter of days off my Birthday so either way I should be at my goal weight by my birthday. I plan to give myself a couple of mini goals but I still have to work all of that out. When I do I shall post it :D


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