Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Well My mom and I talked about it and decided we are going to make a ton of Jewelry and Pendants and then when it warms up get a booth at the local flee market and sell our stuff. I got a lot of work ahead of me because I will be the photographer (For websites or blogs or whatever) I am going to be making us some business cards for people who will want a custom design, looking up about how much we should be charging per item up there. I am pretty excited I made some more pendants too! I'll post some pictures of a few the recent ones I made. Anyways also I lost some more weight and took some pics at the begin of Jan and then yesterday and in just this past Month you can see the difference on my waist line and everything!! I am so happy I am already 20 lbs lighter then I was this time last year! I think I might actually make my goal weight this year then the next goal will be to KEEP it OFF ; ) But yeah my clothes are getting loose now so I am also getting excited about the idea of maybe getting to go clothes shopping when everything is all said and done. Then go through my closet and dump all my BIG t-shirts and crap that wont show off the new and sexier me he he So yeah busy busy but I am loving it!! Well gotta go got things to do, people to see and places to be.


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