Thursday, September 8, 2011

I am so proud of myself

Well as you know I been working on trying to lose all my baby fat and tone up and what not I am proud to say I am only 17 lbs away from being at my goal weight and I am so excited. I can almost fit into my clothes I saved from before getting pregnant with my second child (I liked my body then so that is why I made that weight my goal weight : ) I got myself some new shirts both short sleeved and long and once I get to my goal weight I plan to buy some new bras and panties as well as pants, shorts and skirts for myself. My stuff I have now will either be too big or it's worn out so much it needs to be replaced. I know this might make me sound superficial or selfish and what not but I'm not. I have always put others before me and allowed it to go on so much so I lost myself somewhere along the way which caused me to go into a really bad depression. Now that I had enough and started working out I want to work on other parts of my life that I think need fixing now like my relationships with family and friends. I am so tired of being couped up in my own home I want to get out more, hang out with old and new friends. I don't want to feel trapped anymore by this stupid depression crap and I guess the best way to do so is to surround myself around great people so that's what I'm going to do. I have been unhappy with many things in my life and I am trying to fix them one at a time. I still have that 17 lbs to work off and I know it will be the hardest to work off but I am ready for it. I also still got that tone up part too and I plan to look it up after I write this to see what exercises I can do that will help me tone up the areas I want toned up (Basically my butt, thighs, tummy and waist) I posted pics above of me at my biggest and me at what I am as of today : ) So wish me luck as I journey to new adventures.


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