Saturday, January 9, 2010

Photos from my BF Wedding

Well MY BF Halls got Married last month (Dec 27th) and I took a ton of photos. Now I know some are not the best in the world but still I am in practice here so : P

1 comment:

Cora Kemp said...

Hey Audrey!
Nice job on your first wedding and with only one lens etc.
I don't know if you are going to shoot any other friends weddings, but what I do all day (when I should be doing other stuff) is I look at wedding photographers web sites. You can get great ideas or see the cutting edge of what is going on. A tip (and this took tons of practice when I first started my photojournalism class) - the best photos are the ones where people are unaware of the camera. Pose ones are great too. But the photos I live for are the ones where you capture a moment of truth, where no one is aware that fraction of their life is being captured. That is their true self. :) Also. Photos are more interesting if you see some thing from not the normal angle. Everyone loves that monument photo I took in DC of the Washington and Jefferson memorials. Honestly I"m not sure why. Every ones has seen TONS of photos. Why is that different? Well, I framed them in a bridge. I was lying on my stomach and almost got my legs runover by a bus. But. its different. Most people will not lay on that sidewalk to see the memorials that way. That is what makes it interesting. So yeah being a photographer is a dirty job, we are always climbing on top of things or rolling on the ground, but when you make everyday things look interesting, people will stop and remember your photos. A recycling story. Everyone knows what it looks like throwing away cardboard. So what do you do? Climb in the dumpster. get it from a different angle :) - I broke a lens filter doing it, but got a great shot!
Try it with your flower photography.. you do amazing in flower photography. Get them from different angles! Come out and we will go shooting together!!! Would be so fun!!!!
In case you have some spare time here are some Photographers I LOVE! (some I know, others I don't) *My favorite, and a really awesome guy - very photojournalism style *more traditional, but love his work. shadowed with him a few times

Again love what you are doing! keep it up!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
