I measured the twilight book I have (Hardcover) and added like a inch more to that measurements for the actual book cover and used black and red fleece. The pattern piece on the outside are two puzzle pieces, a red apple and a pawn in chess cut out of felt and hand sewn on to the black fleece. This particular one I cut out a piece of cardboard for the spine and sewn on another piece of black fleece over it. After this I took the red fleece cut the same size and sewn those two together. At this point I also sewn in a piece of sheer red ribbon in the center to be used as a bookmark. After that was sewn together I then sewn on the two side pockets that hold the book in place and sewn in the two handles and the cloth latch on the book. (I should have sewn on the button before sewing the black and red together but I wasn't thinking lol I am totally new at this) Then I sewn the button to the other side. Anyways blah blah blah there you go. It's not exactly "Twilight" but I made this for someone who I feel really needs some cheering up and she loves "Twilight" and so that's why I did it with that in mind. I hope she will love it!! I am going to make some more for some other friends ;D and of course I need to make one for me too he he :D
I plan to try and do things like this when I fit the time in. My next idea is to make hearthstone earring and bracelet set to be raffled off :D So I shall make sure to keep you posted if interested!!
Well it's not mine anymore I made it for my oldest son. He had asked for one for his birthday and I went ahead and gave it to him as soon as I got done with it. I want to note I took the idea of a pattern from another website (here: http://www.frogstore.com/frogbeanie.htm ) and changed it around to make this Murloc Beanie baby. (I say this because if you can make your own then It should be pretty simple to make one from the pattern in the link above.)I also filled the beanie up with rice and hand painted the black part of the eye. This whole project was hand sewn by me as well. I think if I did it all in one day it would take me a few hours each to make. I am going to start making a second one but it's two shades of pink and the same yellow eye like the one above. Let me know what you guys think of him.
Well since I started that ticker thing on my profile I have lost 10 lbs (YES!!!!) But over all since I started losing weight I have lost a grand total of 38 lbs. That is a freakin' lot of weight to be carrying around. I am so tired of being over weight and I use to ALWAYS be the smallest one in my group of friends. (serious just go ask them all) All my family and friends (that actually hang out with me anyways) say I look slim which I absolutely do and I am loving it. I was trying on some of my shorts from last summer and they are all too big so guess what I must do. (Well I will probably go to the thrift store or eBay and buy some shorts so I wont have to pay a lot of money because I am still slimming and losing weight here) I got a new Jullian DVD I want to try out and the past two days I danced my booty off playing Just Dance 2 for a hour. I love that game I want to get the first one. hmmm we just got paid time to go looking for me some Just Dance (1) Well later all I need to get ready for my morning.