Well we will be moving here soon to a bigger place. It had to happen plus can you imagine having not only my husband and I but two (Count it T W O) growing boys in a 2 bedroom apartment.. yeah it ain't cutting it so we must move but I am excited b/c it's a bigger place!! I am also going to work on a garden there as well. I did here but I hate this place and so I don't feel motivated to keep up with it all. I started some seeds this morning too! One is a wild flower mix and the other is a cottage garden mix, I also got some Morning Glories in varies colors, sweet peas (Had to get them my Mom called me Sweet pea when I was a little girl) and a few others. I am pretty excited about all this. So excited I even started packing a little bit with the few boxes I did come across. I took a few pictures of the official "Day 1" lol (See above photos) Well the mixes consist of the following flowers:
Baby Blue Eyes
Black Eyed Susan
Blue Flax
California Poppy
Coreopsis lance leaved
Corn Flower
corn poppy
field poppy
five spot
fox glove
pheasant's eye
purple coneflower
shasta daisy
sweet william
I know that's a long list...rofl, I also want to get a few hanging basket type flowers as well. well better get going : )
Later All