We started putting up Christmas lights and are still working on it. Mostly because it is a new place (Our first Christmas in housing) and so we are totally unsure of what looks good or not. I had to unplug the tree light because with the bush lit up behind it, made it sorta look like a penis and that is totally not what I want especially since we live in a community full of kids and I don't want to look like a jerk. But since I am on this topic I want EVERYONE who reads this...all my friends, family, strangers everyone to PUT UP THEIR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS!! I mean it. Kids love being able to see all the awesome colors and decorations people put up. I don't want to HEAR ANY EXCUSES... we live in a upstairs apartment, so put the lights up around the windows from the inside, put the tree in front of a window and whatever small little decorations you can. If you have balcony put a inflatable X-mas Character up there and put lights on the rails!! I mean seriously if you need help ask a friend to help. And if my friends are reading this and need some help putting theirs up call or message me and I'll be happy to come over and try and help out!! (I am being totally serious, though it would either have to be during school hours after I workout or after the Hubby gets home from work but I'll still come help with X-mas Decor outside just ask!!) So please please decorate!! I been driving around my area and not that many people decorate their homes anymore. Kids and Adults LOVE just driving around or walking around and seeing all the wonderful things and creative ways people come up with to decorate their homes just not enough of us do it.. and that is a MAJOR disappointment. I will probably even say something on my community website about this because I'd love to see more lights around here. So yes go out put those lights up, those snowmen, and Santa's the inflatables and ornaments. It's a great way to cheer people up who see the finish product!! I'm being serious...go go go go what are you waiting for : ).